Unnamed spring in Laguna Seca, Durango, Mexico

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Unnamed spring in Laguna Seca, Durango, Mexico

Franko Janko

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Назва: Unnamed spring in Laguna Seca, Durango, Mexico
Координати: 24.4713058 - 104.6262970
Короткий опис. The aquarium represents a small pond next to the main spring of Laguna Seca, since Characodon is endemic to the Mexican federal state of Durango. The species name is derived from the Latin verb “audere”, which means “to dare”, with the adjective “audax” and the meaning “bold” or “daring”, referring to the aggressive behavior of this fish. It historically occurred in the springs and creeks along the Río La Sauceda, the name of the headwaters of the Río Mezquital, and the subsequent section of this river named Río El Tunnel above the Saltito Falls about 10km NNW of the town Nombre de Díos. We know of seven different subpopulations of Characodon audax: El Toboso subpopulation Los Pinos subpopulation Laguna Seca subpopulation El Garabato subpopulation Río La Sauceda subpopulation Pino Suarez subpopulation Victoria de Durango subpopulation The last one is regarded extinct.The species disappeared from part of its original range. IUNC status Endangered/Declining.
Тварини, виявлені та використані в роботі:
- Characodon audax "Laguna Seca"
Хімічні параметри води:
- pH - 7.9
- T°C - 16°C - 25°C
- Dissolved oxygen 12 mg/l
Використання субстрату, іншого природного декору: Red lava rocks same as in nature Sand Dry leaves
Розміри акваріума: 80 cм д * 35 cм г * 40 cм в, 112 л.

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